21 Day Meditation Challenge..Can you quiet your mind?

“The summer has come and gone again and the leaves are getting ready to change to prepare us for a new season.“ 

For the last month my girlfriend and I decided to join Oprah and Deepak Chopra's 21 day Mediation challenge; Miraculous Relationship. We embarked on this journey together but it was all about exploring your inner world and expanding your own understanding of how to create and live a life filled with authentic true love. I have to admit sometimes this is not always the easiest thing for me, as I put up so many walls when it comes to L.O.V.E. Not really sure why…Maybe it’s from the trauma of being diagnosed with cancer at such a young age and having to face the possible scenario of death so early on in my life. It could be the sorrowing fact of losing my best friend Natalia (who brought so much love and light to my soul) to brain cancer? Whatever the reason, it was time for me to face it and open my self of up to new possibilities. 
For 21 days I spent fifteen minutes a day quieting my mind and meditating. Starting with a centering thought like “Love begins with me” and a silently repeating a mantra like “Om” which some say is the most elemental sound of creation. At first it was not easy as I found my mind wandering to so many different thoughts...“I need to workout”, “I should be writing a song right now”, “I’m hungry” and “Where did I put my car keys”. The laundry list went on and on. 
As the days went on though, those thoughts started to dissipate little by little. A few times there was nothing but quiet between thoughts. There were definitely some shifts and I found myself becoming calmer, more present and open to give and receive love throughout my day. I learned throughout this experience that If I can love myself completely, I can then give that love to my girlfriend, my family, my friends and who ever may cross paths with me. I have more meditating to do but the seed has been planted for me to become the authentic love that I know that I am.
I encourage you to try a meditation if you haven’t already. Do you think you can quiet your mind? Challenge yourself to look within yourself, because what you will find will benefit your health and well-being, this will help you to live your, “Truth.”
Namaste, (The divine light in me honors the divine light in you)

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