How can we continue in this world with shootings, bombings, and catastrophic storms?

How can we continue in this world with shootings, bombings, and catastrophic storms? Isn’t all too much? Although, it may be devastating, we cannot allow these incidents to control our being. We cannot allow it to make us angry and withdrawn from all that is good. We don’t have to let our emotions and grief control us; instead we can choose to let these tragic moments lead us to a better day.

I know it is hard to find faith and belief in all that has gone on in the last few months, our emotions react, we want to curse, scream and cry. Even with those emotion we must believe, we DO have the power to choose what these horrific things mean. Not literally, the news stations feeds us with their interpretation, they tell us what our fear based selves want to believe, but internally in our deepest level of conciseness… we are all good, light and love lives within us, we know better. Believing we can change our world is our choice. This is within each and every one of us. The fact of the matter is there will always be angry people that react with fear and ignorance in our world. We will always be faced with hard times. Listen though… If we support that anger and hatred, then we are not living in our right state of being. The right choice is to show love…to yourself, to your neighbors and to all. This is how we can change our world and support one another in these moments of tragedy. This will make a difference.

I read this prayer from Marianne Williamson that I wanted to share with you.

“Let's all stop for a moment, close our eyes, and send love and peace to the city of Boston, and to all those affected in any way by the explosions at the Marathon. Simply tune in and send love from your heart to them. We send as well our peace and healing to the person or people who have done this, that they might be awakened to the Light within them and cease all harmful action now.”

Much Love & Gratitude,

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