How do you deal with pressure?

How do you deal with pressure? Sometimes I feel like shutting down, crawling in a hole and calling it a day. How about you? Just when that thought comes into my mind and tries to take over, something else gets triggered off inside of me. Something that pushes me through and helps to overcome the obstacles that seem so overbearing. There will always be some difficulties and challenges, but the pressure is not the problem, it is how we perceive the true reality of the situation. 
Right now, I have a 1600 seat theatre to fill for my benefit concert on June 27th and that is a lot of bodies. I can easily get suffocated by the thought of that and feel like I'm "Barely Breathing" ;) But, I don't allow that to happen. Each day I chip away at the long list of things I have to do, to make sure I fill the seats. 
At the end of the day all I want to do is add value to people's lives through my music, concerts and speaking. The other night, I was the Survivor Speaker for the American Cancer Society, Relay For Life. Before I spoke, I was shooting some video for a very special interactive campaign I will be sharing with you very soon. Listening to people and their statements empowered me and I gave one of my best speeches to date. Afterward, people came up to me and said "You have made a difference in my life today". That's what it's all about for me, because those people have become inspired and can also effect change in the word. It only grows from there. 
Later that night I was getting ready to perform a few songs and as I was tuning up my guitar and "We Are The World" came on from the DJ booth. I haven't heard the song in a very long time, I listened to every lyric and how powerful that message is. I realized something very important. "That you are a part of this with me. I can only do so much alone but together we can conquer it all."
If you have ever wanted to have involvement in something that truly means something. This is your time! This concert is not about me, it's about us. It's about coming together as a community, as one, to help inspire, spread hope and make positive change. Let's declare that together today!! 
There is no pressure because we are doing great things for the World! When we prepare, organize and remain open to what needs to get done and above all do it with LOVE...then the pressure will only exist when we stray form that. 

Much Love,



"When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure."- Peter Marshall

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