Be an Olympian of your life

Good Morning USA!!! The Olympics are in full swing and I have to say I'm really enjoying some of the events. How about you? As I watch these elite athletes compete, it's made me think about what makes an Olympian? I believe it's determination, dedication, sacrifice, mental and physical strength...and lots of FOCUS!! You've heard it before..."what you focus on you become." We may not have the physical aspect but we can definitely have all the others. Every moment put in defines the end result! My end result is that I want my music and story to touch, heal and inspire people! That's what I focus on everyday and everyday I become the Olymp ian in my own life to make that happen! Be your own Olympian...What's your end result?

My quote of the day-

"One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular."-Tony Robbins

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